Monday, July 9, 2012

can we see love now?

I always joke that as I am in school for social work, I am also a perfect case study.
This summer, I have decided I am thankful for it. It's been a powerful, pivotal thing to look at this life from an inside view. I was blessed to come from a loving home with both parents raising us, a dad who loved our mother and provided financially, spiritually and physically for his family. A mother who was home with us, devoting her life to our wellbeing. 
I am also fortunate enough to have friends who were raised in the same environments so my friends are also an incredible support to me in my circumstances, because they are also people who have the resources to keep their heads above water. 
And on top of that- I have been blessed with an amazing church family; people who genuinely love us; people I know I could pick up the phone and ask anything of and they would he thrilled to show us love however I needed it.
I may currently have a disposition to poverty and stress but I have every resource available to conquer this, triumph, succeed... and I will. 
I am constantly reminded of the people everywhere, that don't have my luck, they don't have my resources, that weren't raised with my moral background or ethical principles. I can't imagine. It's hard enough for me; but take away my family, friends, and church: I'm totally screwed. Without those resources for support- I would be completely and utterly screwed. And there are so many people out there that are in that position; completely screwed by their circumstances. 
Because of my family, church and friends I will not be. Notice that I didn't say because of God I will survive, prevail and prosper? Notice I didn't just simply say God?
It is true... God is the reason I have the resources I do- He put me here, God is the reason I am so blessed. BUT IT IS THE PEOPLE HE BLESSED ME WITH THAT DO THE WORK. 
It is the people. It's you. It's me. We are God's workmanship.

A verse that inspired me when I concluded a divorce from an abusive man, than proceeded to take my wounds far from healing and get pregnant, becoming a single mother of two was:
2 Kings 20:5 The LORD GOD says, "I have heard your prayer. I have seen your tears. See, I will heal you." 
Yes!! Phew! God is going to heal me! I will not feel this broken, sad and confused forever. HE IS GOING TO HEAL ME!
I was fortunate enough (because of my resources) to take a vacation with my closet friends. During this time two things happened:
1. My friend Luke talked about how we, as a group of Christian friends, spending the weekend in fellowship together is exactly what God meant by church. That any gathering of Christians can be church.
It was perfect- I completely embraced it, and looked at everything that happened for the next 48 hours a church service of healing and love. I went into praise mode, and a time of self reflection, as well as fellowship. Church.
2. I then realized the FRIENDS God put in my life ARE WHAT HE IS USING TO KEEP THAT PROMISE. All of those people made an effort to embrace me, touch me, love me- to nurture me into healing. God was keeping his promise to heal me through them. They were God's workmanship.

After that, through the last couple of weeks, I have been really staying cognitive of the fact that God uses us- people- me- to heal people. That is how God heals. He using our interactions with people to heal them. To heal the single mother divorcee, to heal the alcoholic, to heal the nineteen year old girl that is using drugs and alcohol to cover up wounds, to heal the grandma that just lost her husband, to heal the family that is scared and disconnected because they are new immigrants (not old ones like us), to heal the solider that watched his friend die at war, to heal the child living in a home rid addiction, to heal our family, to heal our friends, to heal.
I think we may have lost sight of the concept that it is the things we do for people that give love and healing to the world. We need to give ourselves permission to bake our neighbors cookies (even if we can tell they drink way too much beer and don't bath their children often), reach out and touch someone with the intent to breathe some healing energy into them (even if their not the type of person we would normally touch), smile kindly and ask someone we don't know how their day is going with a genuine search for a genuine answer (even if they are low on personal hygiene practices and work at Wal-mart), bring a meal to someone who may need it, or just listen to someone's story without an ounce of judgement- how powerful is that? Someone hearing me, and loving me despite my mistakes? It's HEALING!
Since that weekend, I have reached out and touched two strangers while I was in conversation with them. I just touched their arm... because I realized that I can help someone along the path of healing and show them love just by touching their arm. I can love the little hood rats at the park just by taking the time for them, just by not writing them off and teaching them good things they fill their time with.
I can be God's workmanship through a single touch. I can keep his promise for him. Being God's resource for healing through loving interactions? No prob, God. I'm on it. Love it. :-)


  1. Thanks, Tausha- I am going to try and soak up some of your hope and optimism by osmosis-much needed.

  2. This really struck a nerve with me--I have been struggling to find my new identity as a single parent. I am so grateful to have read this!

  3. So, how do YOU answer this question? Does God love me less because I did not receive the supportive system you did? Not to hurt you, to challenge you, because when people like me, try to find a God like yours, we struggle. And, there are very good people out there struggling, without the drugs or alcohol. You don't notice us. We have jobs, and we do everything right. We PAY our babysitters, and we don't get vacations because we have to PAY for every little thing that loving parents offer people like you.

    Tausha, I'm not saying these things in opposition, but more to broaden your perspective. And to show you that a bit of bitterness can accompany those you wish to help. It's hurtful to be shown such a contrast, and many people reject a kind hand simply because they feel cheated next to someone like you who wants to help.

    BTW, I have a great husband, God gave me a real gift in him, and I have so much to be thankful for in my life. And I have found most of my answers. My good friends are my family, God's gifts are where we find them.

  4. Brenda- did you read my whole post? That was my point. it was to say: I can do something to show you love, I could be your free babysitter for the night, I could help you in your garden- and that may HEAL some of your bitterness.

  5. Sorry I came across so bitter. But if you could babysit so I could garden in peace, you would be my best friend <3
